Evolutionizing Events

Although a young organization, Evolutionize It's collaborators bring decades of global experience to the design of participatory meeting and event formats that nurture collaborative learning, discussion and action. 

In addition to working responsively with clients who hire us to design event strategies or facilitate participatory event sessions, we also convene dynamic events with groups of people around the world who are catalyzing change. 

Examples of how we're evolutionizing events for social innovation include: 

#we_b & #we_b2 
In 2011, Evolutionize It curated an international working group, to collaborate in establishing a support institution for people who are catalyzing change around the world through collaborative methods. 

#we_b was a 14 hour co-creation lab convened by the "Ci2i" working group in Brussels (January 2012), which brought the working group together from 4 continents to explore collaborative methods with 25 changemakers from around Europe. 

#we_b2 was a focus group meeting of 15 peers (Brussels, June 2012), where the group convened face to face from around the world again, to present and receive feedback on a draft plan for establishing a "Collective Impact and Innovation Institute."  

The Evolutionize It led "ci2i group" has continued to evolutionize the concept into Ci2iglobal.com - the Co-creative Impact and Innovation Institute, which will begin documenting a global body of knowledge about co-creatiing impact by hosting a Learn/Share Lab for Co-creative Impact and Innovation in Chiang Mai, Thailand, 7-8 February 2014.  

See also:
Accelerating collective #socent impact? @ci2iglobal is born in the afterglow of #we_b

Evolutionize It was invited to work with multiple session sponsors to design and sessions at the the Women's Forum Global Meetings in 2010 and 2011, and will lead the opening plenary at the Special Meeting of The Women's Forum in Yangoon, Myanmar, December 2013.

In 2011, Evolutionize It designed and implemented the interactive facilitation approach for the Ashoka Changemaker's Campus in Paris, recruiting a world class team of 25 international facilitators to guide over 50 collaborative learning and action-oriented sessions with 1000 movers and shakers in changemaking from across europe and around the world.

In 2010, what has since become the Womanity Foundation hosted a 3 day Workshop for Senior WomenChangeMakers in Geneva, in order to inform their future programs to support social entrepreneurs whose innovations empower women.  Evolutionize It designed and led the workshop, which the mapped career paths of 8 social entrepreneurs whose initiatives had collectively empowered more than 10 million people worldwide. 

One of the core social enterprise experiments at Evolutionize It in 2010, was development of financially viable "webbed events," designed to facilitate collaborative strategy-building between social entrepreneurs at events in different locations. Building on the Social Entrepreneur Unconference held in Portland, Oregon in February 2010, Cosi10 convened simultaneous changemaker events in 4 countries, connected through the interactive platform at ned.com

Social Entrepreneur Unconference (Portland, OR,  February 2010) was a twitter-convened gathering initiated by Evolutionize It in partnership with ned.com. The twitter call attracted 35 social change doers from across the US in an open space format, to explore Beyond Social Media - collaboration and getting things done at Evolutionize It's first event.